京瓷 面4刀尖式样 新型端铣刀MEW产品介绍
Improved surface finish, minimizing chattering
Sharp cutting and superior resistance to chattering and burrs, due to helical cutting edge and
optimum axial rake design
Extended Tool Life by New MEGACOAT NANO Technology
特殊多层纳米涂层「MEGACOAT NANO」,使铣削加工更稳定化及长使用寿命化
Special multi-layer nano coating "MEGACOAT" enables stable milling and extended tool life
PR1525 for steel and stainless steel, and PR1510 for cast iron
MEW型面铣刀 MEW Face Mill
■芯片更换顺序 How to mount an insert
Be sure to remove dust and chips from the insert mounting pocket.
Apply anti-seize compound on portion of taper and thread of clamp screw.
Attach the screw (magnetc head) to the front end of the wrench.
②装在扳钳尖端部位(尖端部位已经过磁化处理)上,并轻微朝芯片固定方向抵住后拧紧。(见图-1) 。
While lightly pressing the insert against the constraint surfaces, put the screw into the hole of the insert and tighten. (See Fig. 1.)
Tighten M3 screws (SB-3065TRP) slightly inclined from the insert surface. (See Fig. 2.) surface of the insert.
3.扳钳请与夹具螺栓以平行方向拧紧。推荐紧固扭矩 4页
When tightening the screw, make sure that the wrench is parallel to the screw. For recommended torque, see Table 1
After tightening the screw, make sure that there is no clearance between the insert seat surface and the bearing surface of the holder or between the insert side surfaces and
the constraint surface of the holder. If there is any clearance, remove the insert and mount it again according to the above steps.
■垂直·斜入·螺旋加工相关 Ramping, Helical milling and Vertical milling
1. 可垂直加工
Available for vertical milling
2. 斜入·螺旋加工时,因被切削材与刀片后刀面互相干预加工不可。
NOT available for ramping and helical milling, because interference between workpiece and insert may occur.
电话: | 021-36607711 |
传真: | 021-56386200 |
地址: | 上海市闸北区万荣路700号大宁中心广场A3幢140室 |
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