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奥普图 OptoOPCServer


奥普图 OptoOPCServer产品介绍

OptoOPCServer is a fast, efficient OPC 2.0-compliant server for exchanging data with Opto 22 controller systems running ioControl strategies, or with SNAP Ethernet-based I/O units. OptoOPCServer integrates these systems with PCs on an Ethernet network running OPC clients such as Microsoft products, third-party packages, and custom applications you create with tools such as Visual C++. Also use OptoOPCServer to optimize applications where multiple PCs are running the same or different copies of ioDisplay.
This product includes software and documentation in Adobe Acrobat PDF format on a CD. It also includes the complete printed documentation for OptoOPCServer
OptoOPCServer can be purchased separately or as part of the ioProject Professional software suite.

奥普图 OptoOPCServer技术参数

CUP:1 GHz 或更高网络接口:以太网接口操作系统:Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000[sup]®[/sup]SP4显示设备:VGA 或更高分辨率的显示设备 ,最小分辨率 800x600输入输出设备:鼠标或指点杆内存:最小128 MB RAM (建议256 MB)存储设备:最小10MB 可用安装空间


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